
This series is simple in concept, but can become weird in a heartbeat. All we needed to do was ask artists about a topic and see if it is overrated or underrated to them, and some responses got pretty intense. I regularly shot, directed, edited, and created motion graphics for this beloved Pitchfork series.


For this piece, I worked with Billie’s team to produce this, lit the studio, setup camera, shot on the Sony FS5, mixed audio, edited the piece, did motion graphics for the animations, and published the final piece on all of Pitchfork’s channels.


For this piece, I lit the studio, setup camera, shot on the Sony FS5, mixed audio, edited as well as did motion graphics for the animations, and published the final piece on all of Pitchfork’s channels.


For this piece, I researched questions to ask the band, interviewed them, lit the studio, setup camera, mixed audio, edited as well as did motion graphics for the animations, and published the final piece on all of Pitchfork’s channels.


Pitchfork Live